Team strength: 68% of professionals in Italy have developed alliances with clear improvements in performance

The Italian consultancy sector is predominantly characterised by small firms. The sample surveys carried out bythe Osservatorio Professionisti e Innovazione Digitale (Professionals and Digital Innovation Observatory) of the Politecnico di Milano have shown that 58% of the accountant, lawyer and labour consultant firms interviewed recorded an increase in turnover, and a more in-depth analysis has […]
Competing Successfully in Foreign Markets – Interview with Attorney Antonio Landolfi

The Italian entrepreneurial fabric has always been, due to its history and culture, oriented towards the global market. What are the opportunities for a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) to compete successfully in foreign markets? In the interview, Attorney Antonio Landolfi from the Law Firm Landolfi & Associates in Naples, with offices in Milan as […]
M&A Trend 2022: decline or growth? Opportunities in Italy in light of the current context

In Italy, as well as in the rest of Europe, powerful measures have been implemented since 2020 to support businesses in facing the pandemic crisis. These measures include moratoriums and the provision of financing with state guarantees (amounting to over 260 billion euros and 150 billion euros, respectively, based on the data from the Bank […]
Marco Simion (Harpalis Network partner) took part in the Giellepi – Biofarma deal.

Marco Simion (Harpalis Network partner) participated as a strong legal advisor in a significant acquisition operation carried out by Biofarma towards Giellepi’s Finished Products division. From the article by Legal Community: “Giellepi Spa and Biofarma Group have finalized the acquisition of Giellepi’s Finished Products division by Biofarma through a business branch transfer operation. With this […]
The concentration of professions. Space for Pedia interview with Luca Parenti, founder of Harpalis

With the growing concentration of markets and supply chains, one of the major issues to address at the moment, together with digitisation and sustainability, is that of aggregation. There are significant numbers that give an idea of the magnitude of the phenomenon: self-employed workers are decreasing while concentrations in professional studies of a certain quality […]